Daylesford Country Retreats proudly partners with the following local businesses to make your stay in the Daylesford Hepburn Springs region all the more memorable with these great offers.
To obtain these offers please show your Daylesford Country Retreats property key tag or mention the offer if booking a spa/massage treatment.

Daylesford Cidery

VIP Offer – 20% off their cider tasting paddle and all take-away cider sales on the day – To obtain this offer please show your Daylesford Country Retreats property key tag.

Daylesford Brewing

VIP Offer – Show your Daylesford Country Retreats property key tag and receive 10% off your meal when you book and dine with us on a Friday evening. Additionally receive 10% off all take away beers our taproom 7 days a week.

Creswick Natural Fibers

V.I.P Offer for Daylesford Country Retreats guests: $20 coupon when you spend over $50 (in one transaction) in-store. To obtain this offer please show your Daylesford Country Retreats property key tag.

Betel Boy

VIP Offer – “Welcome Drink”. A complimentary Wine, Beer, Sparkling or signature Betel Boy cocktail (1 per person) each Friday between 2pm and 5pm (not valid for public holiday weekends or during school holidays). Please show your Daylesford Country Retreats key tag to obtain this offer.